Reaping the Karmic Sword

Despite how it may feel right now, trust that all is as it should be 

and you are safe 

—to remain, stay and be present with it. 

Reaping the karmic sword can be painful 

but we must come to understand the shadow….

As Light

Separated from its Source 

and truest essence

In desperate need of Love

In order to re-turn and re-member 

That it is One. 

Even on the days when we feel loss for what has been but is no longer.. 

Even amidst the grief of disappointment for all that isn’t still right…
Even in the thick of discomfort over what is not certain or figured out..

ALL of our experience —and feelings— can belong 

and co-exist in the harmony and sanctity of our Sacred Heart. 

All that we seek is within.

We do not lack.

We are complete.

Love and loved. 

May we release our ties to suffering 

and no longer choose to learn through the shadowed polarities of extreme


can we choose sovereignty 

over our present circumstance?

Can we be responsible 

for searching very deep inside ourselves

for Wisdom

— daring to ask:

What is my will? 

And what is Thy? 

Can you trust in a Higher Plan?

Resist the urge to judge yourself, 

blame others, 

run away 

or distract. 


sit with what’s coming up right now 

and allow it to be witnessed 

then expressed.

Our shadow is simply the wounded part of us

desperately seeking Love and safe refuge. 

This week, give that to yourself. 

And if you lack the capacity or ability to do that reach out. 

It would be my honour to hold sacred space for you and be of service to your Hearts Healing. 

May you be blessed

May I be blessed

May we All be blessed

as we walk each other Home.


the ultimate goal


Hi I’m Kailey I’m a recovering perfectionist — and people pleaser