Hi I’m Kailey I’m a recovering perfectionist — and people pleaser

A few weeks back I sat down with Gillian of MomCampLIFE, for a heart-to-heart conversation about motherhood, womanhood and business —-

which we just-so-happened to record for you!

It was a joy being a guest on her podcast, which focuses on equipping and supporting women as they reminder to put themselves on their own priority list and remember that they matter!

Now that’s a mission I can get behind — and relate to.

You too?

I invite you to listen in while you’re getting ready for the day, making dinner tonight, driving for errands or walking in the woods.

We discuss my former years as a perfectionist and people pleaser, why it caused me so much suffering and what I did to overcome these tendencies that weren't serving me (or my loved ones) well— at all!

You can follow the link below or listen anywhere podcasts are streamed.


Reaping the Karmic Sword


hope in unlikely places.