Possibility, Courage and the Gruelling Middle

I remember the first moment I felt POSSIBILITY viscerally… when every cell within me lit up and expanded to the POTENTIAL of reality.

Standing there backstage as a young dancer, I watched on as Enya wafted through the speakers and the senior girls moved-like-magicto “Storms in Africa.”

If was as if I was standing at the gate of INVITATION, saying YES to something I couldn’t name…

Other than a FEELING, a HOPE, a LONGING

To feel FREE in my body

To be MOVED by life

To create BEAUTY

And INSPIRE others

It’s been ages since I stepped backstage or performed on one myself, but all I have to do is close my eyes, turn on some music and I re-turn….

To that STILL POINT in time when everything OPENED up and I believed:

I could do ANYTHING

And BE whoever I wanted to be.

2021 has been an incredibly difficult year. It’s tested me in every way possible… required me to practice what I preach in monstrous proportions.

I’ve had to face my inner critic and shadow at every juncture .. and just when I find break through, I’m asked to go deeper

— then deeper still.

I’ve lost people I love.

My rights have been stripped.

I’ve been hurled more criticism and judgement than ever before.

And while largely this year has felt horrible, I know It’s not because I’m doing something wrong

— or that there’s something wrong with me.

This is the nature of nurturing New Life into existence…

of moving out of fear and into the limitlessness of LOVE.

The place where true freedom and liberation resides— IN SPITE of it all, not exempt of it!

So don’t let the before and after stories fool you

— the middle is the most gruelling AND the most important part to get through…

Carry on,

This is The Way of the Love Warrior

It’s taken me years to sift and shift and unplug from people and places that do not serve me or my family

— and welcome in a more loving and higher vibrational experience of life and relationships.

I can’t even begin to describe the amount of courage and work and grit that has taken!

The last 2 years were a grand crescendo— solidifying those characteristics and lessons for me.

And it’s brought us here to today, where as a family we’re being asked to leap into the unknown and away from what we’ve known and thought our life would look like.

I felt unsure for so long, but now

I AM confident and free.

2022 has some huge changes in store for this clan. But I’m ready..

This has been my life challenge

(or opportunity, depending on how you view it)

— to trust my knowing and inner sight, despite outer circumstances and others “good opinions”..

Because 99% of the time, I’m so damn right. 

That 1% will no longer scare me.

I’ll risk it. 🤗

In the wake of today’s New Moon Solar eclipse, what fear is asking to be released…

in order to liberate you?

Whatever is dying, whatever is ending, whatever it is you’re loosing, life has something better in store. 

Trust that the changes happening are happening FOR you, and not against you, Kailey

You don’t have to be happy about it.
You don’t even have to like how if feels. 

But when you close your eyes and come into your heart, can you feel that you’re simply being invited into a cocoon… 

To die to the caterpillar who has tirelessly inched and struggled its way forward for SO long. 

… to be re-born. 

Because baby, you’re a freaking butterfly. 

The time has come. 

New life is waiting.


Connect with your spiritual family and your own soul


Embracing Discomfort (in Challenging Times)