Perhaps you feel it too…

All the endings drawing near.

certain chapters folding closed.

what is no-longer mingling with whats-not-yet. 

In this place between, there is an opportunity worth taking

to grieve 

to release

to forgive

to renew

to revive

to welcome

Both ends of the human experience.

If you’re anything like me, this portal of time feels wildly uncomfortable…

all the shadows I’m being asked to face 

and the rising of big feels about my past

who I was 

what I’ve done

what’s been done to me 

the opportunities I took 

and didn’t take 

and what resulted from it

It’s all rising to the surface 

in sudden and not-so-sudden flashes of insight and remembrance 

and the asking-to-return, that follows…

It’s testing me. 

It’s asking a lot of my capacity to birth self compassion and a willingness to sit in what I’d rather resist, 

namely intense vulnerability. 

It’s begging me to SEE what I’d rather not see — in myself and in others — and accept it,

so that in time I can move on, 

as I move through it. 

The temptation to spiritually bi-pass is real

— to sidestep, downplay or flat out ignore

what we’re feeling, 

what we’ve been through

and what we’re longing for

But I’ve done that and it never works..

ALWAYS, I’m asked to return

again and again

to face what’s persisted in my resistance to it. 

This is the difficult, messy work of learning to love 

the holey, holiness of our humanity 

and the both/and nature of life..

While that work is never done, there’s freedom and peace to be found in the midst of it— as we trust it. 

After every ending, there is a new beginning. 

In every dying, there is an invitation to new life. 

And after every decent into the shadows, there is a resurrection into Light. 

As Jesus said, 

This is The Way. 

Walk in it. 

Allow me to help guide you on the path. 


Embracing Discomfort (in Challenging Times)


The past popping in to say, hello